About AFA
Arctic Fishery Alliance Limited Partnership (AFA) is a 100% Inuit owned and governed partnership consisting of four Nunavut communities and their respective Hunters and Trappers Associations (HTA). The owner communities and their HTAs are:
Qikiqtarjuaq & Nattivak HTA
Grise Fiord & Iviq HTA
Arctic Bay & Ikajutit HTA
Resolute Bay & Resolute Bay HTA
Our Vision
AFA strives to ensure that the real beneficiaries of the allocations of Nunavut offshore quotas are the residents of our owner communities, and by extension all of Nunavut. This includes:
Providing training and capacity-building to ensure AFA is able to employ the maximum number of Inuit employees at-sea and on land
Supporting social and economic development projects chosen by our owners to advance their community’s well-being
Collaborating with many industry, government and non-governmental partners to grow Nunavut’s fisheries
We are also committed to sustainably harvesting Greenland halibut (turbot) and other groundfish off Baffin Island and Newfoundland exclusively using fixed-gear. We seek to continuously build our globally-recognized reputation as the premier seafood producer in Nunavut.